Playwriting Course
Our playwriting course is for writers with limited or no professional experience, who wish to hone their playwriting skills and write in a supportive environment.
The course takes place over five monthly sessions and covers the key elements of playwriting: finding inspiration and generating ideas, building characters, structuring scenes, writing dialogue, and editing and re-drafting. It aims to build writing networks within local communities and culminates in a rehearsed reading of extracts of participants’ work by professional actors for local audiences.
Our playwriting course is fully funded and completely free to participants! Travel and access bursaries are available to ensure that anyone, anywhere in the region, can take part.
Previous courses have been delivered in partnership with Barbican Theatre Plymouth / Plymouth Athenaeum and Darlington Hippodrome / Creative Darlington and we ran online courses during lockdown for writers in Devon, Dorset and Wiltshire.
Upcoming Courses
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Participant Testimonial
Saili Katebe - writer & performer
Prior to the course, I had little experience as a playwright. Since starting my creative journey, I have been taking every opportunity I can to educate myself and build skills that will allow me to succeed, despite my lack of access to resources and exposure to the arts growing up. By participating in the playwriting course I was hoping to gain the skills necessary to thrive and grow as a practitioner, build the tools to support my projects and positively contribute to the conversation of representation within the arts. As a direct result of the course, I have now begun the development of a script that will serve as part of a long-term audience development project to increase engagement with underrepresented audiences.