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Featured Playwright

Martin Keady

Martin Keady

About Me: From my website ( Martin Keady is a multi-award-winning dramatist, journalist, lyricist, librettist – and poet. As a dramatist, his major credits include: Manhood, a comedy about a middle-aged man desperately trying to find the "fun" in "erectile dysfunction", which won The Jacques Tati Award for Best Comedy Script 2022 at Castillonnès Festival du Film; Man of Colour, a biopic of Walter Tull, one of Britain's first ever black professional footballers, who was driven out of the game by racism but rallied to become a hero of WWI, which won The Page Turner Awards Best Screenplay 2021; The Final (or A Short Film About Football), which was broadcast on Britain's Channel 4; Hello Goodbye (or Two Short Films About Love, Loss and Letting Go), which between them have won over a hundred awards at film festivals and competitions around the world, including the Stage 32 Short Film Contest and the HollyShorts Film Festival; Moon the Loon (co-written with Chas Early), a play about the legendary Who drummer Keith that premiered at the Edinburgh Festival and has subsequently been performed in London and Dublin; and a play for children, Three Tragedies, about some of Shakespeare’s most famous minor characters, which is published online with Drama notebook.