Featured Playwright

Conor Patrick Carroll
About Me: I'm a British/Irish playwright who has been writing since 2012 and in that time I have had several of my plays performed in venues throughout the UK. In 2014, In 2014, I graduated with an MA in Writing for Stage and Broadcast Media from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and I have translated a lot of what I learned there into my work. In recent years, I have become a writer that is increasingly interested in auto-fiction, as in stories that are inspired by true events that been altered to make them more relatable. Most of my writing has been inspired by either events from my own life, my family history or sometimes real world events. As part of my practice, I run creative writing workshops designed to discuss the delicacies that come with writing stories of this nature and equip writers with the tools and the confidence to tackle their own personal material. For more information, do check out my website.
Featured Play
End Game
Two miles from Troy, Odysseus dreams. Every night, the exact same dream: Iphigineia, Agamemnon’s dead daughter offers him a plan for winning the war, a plan cunning enough to fool even the legendary King Priam. Every night, Odysseus turns her down, appalled by the cruelty her plan involves, the price he will have to pay. But tonight is different. Achilles is dead, and with him all hope of military victory. Is Odysseus finally desperate enough to pay her price in the hope of getting home, as well as admitting to himself who he’s really been talking to all these years?

Playwright: Stephen Connolly