Featured Playwright

Eddie Coleman
About Me: I'm a playwright, script reader and playwriting tutor. I've had plays on the London and Edinburgh Fringe and won some amateur theatre awards for playwriting.
Featured Play
The Seagull Has Landed
Blackpool’s North Pier is a magnet. It draws locals, regular tourists and first-time visitors alike. And seagulls. So it’s no surprise to find three disparate people from very different backgrounds contemplating their lives on the pier one sunny afternoon. It is a bit weirder to find a seagull as their therapist. As a Southerner, a Northerner and a Sandgrown’un trade ideas, experiences and the occasional bit of Aristotelian narrative theory, their colliding views are brought into sharp focus by the seagull, who brings a literal bird’s eye perspective to their entrenched opinions. But can a surreal, absurdist intervention really change the power dynamics in a world that’s already difficult to navigate? Is it possible to learn empathy from a bird? And will the seagull survive the whole performance without pooping?

Playwright: Michael Davies