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Featured Playwright

Terence Smith
About Me: As a newbie in the field, I’m seeking expert experience and direction to craft the unwieldy beast I’ve created into something that can at least dine in polite company, while still offending the narrow-minded portion of the assembled guests
Featured Play
Karen and her partner Lynn arrive at a tatty hotel to meet Karen’s younger sister Suzanne. The sisters haven’t seen each other for over thirty years and the difficult reunion is made even worse when Suzanne unexpectedly turns up with her thirteen-year-old daughter Della in tow. It’s Della who forced her Mam to arrange this get-together after stumbling upon their family secret – that when Karen was her age she was convicted of an unforgivable crime and spent over a decade in prison before being released with a new identity. Della is desperate to find out what makes Karen tick, and Karen is terrified she’ll tell her. Inspired by true life cases, this dark four-hander plays out in real time. And no one gets out unscathed.

Playwright: Alison Carr