Welcome to our plays database search form. There are currently 438 plays in the database. If you search using one or more of the fields below, every play matching will come up. Or, to see every play we have, leave the fields blank and just hit 'search'! If you'd like to read more or learn about a specific play, you can contact the playwright by visiting their profile.

If your search doesn’t yield (m)any results, try a synonym (e.g., swap “LGBTQIA+” for “Queer”). Writers often define plays using their own terms, which can vary. To enter multiple search terms, please separate each word with a comma (,). For example: love, comedy, tragedy.

Enter the exact number of characters (e.g., 3), search for plays with more than a certain number (e.g., 4+), or search for plays within a range (e.g., 2-5).

Enter the exact number of actors required (e.g., 5), search for plays with more than a certain number (e.g., 6+), or search for plays within a range (e.g., 2-4).

Enter the name of any awards or prizes e.g. Olivier, Offie/OffWestEnd, Papatango, Bruntwood, Verity Bargate etc.