About me

I'm a writer, actor and director based in Portsmouth. I like to write about things that matter and those voices left unheard. One of my recent monologues 'Middle Ground' was performed at Lion and Unicorn Theatre. I'm currently writing Blackout - a trilogy of plays which sees pivotal moments of Black British history through the lens of one family.

My Plays

Frank and Joy


A husband and wife start to reflect on their life but soon realise that time is running out.

Number of Characters: 2

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 2

Length (in Pages): 8

Location: A house

Key Words: Grief, Love, Memories, Reflection

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Perhaps the most heart-warming piece of the evening was Tyrone Baptiste’s Frank and Joy (directed by Singley); a moving tribute to his grandparents exploring the nature of bereavement, and of finally having to say goodbye to the one we love. Sensitively played by David Penrose and Jan Rawson, the ‘twist’ at the end was both gentle and heart-breaking. - Daniel McCrohon, Portsmouth News 2023

Profile Photo
Tyrone Baptiste
@ tyronebaptistewriter


