About me

Bournemouth based playwright in the fairly early stages of my journey. Have been lucky enough to have had several productions including BOUNCE which premiered at The Lion and Unicorn Theatre in 2023 and went on reach the finals of the All England Theatre Festival.  SLEEPING LIONS won the 2021 Titchfield Festival Theatre new writing award and was produced for a week run. This play then went on to tour in Hampshire and Dorset with the professional BacktoBack Theatre company. When not writing, I work as an A-level History teacher, a part time boxing coach and am a father of 4.

My Plays



Jesse is electric! A self-made millionaire, motivational life coach, best-selling author and showman. He travels the world, helping tens of thousands of people to uncover their true purpose and take control of their destiny. But when a young man living with depression is transformed during one of Jesse’s intense live events, things quickly unravel. Sylvia, his mother, is desperate to find out what happened to her son. Unable to understand, she books herself a ticket, takes a seat in the front row and seeks to uncover the answers she needs

Number of Characters: 2

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 2

Length (in Pages): 55

Location: Multiple

Key Words: Mental Health, Parenting, Self-Help

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins: Nominated for an Offie. Longlisted for RSC 37 Plays


Everything Theatre - 4 Stars "Tom Derrington’s writing is easily up to the task of representing the damage depression can do if not treated, along with a mother’s anguish of not knowing what to do. He never lays things on too thickly, instead leaving a trail of crumbs for us to follow; allowing us time to actively piece it all together. It’s difficult to pinpoint the moment it becomes all too clear where he is gently leading us, but that revelation never distracts from the emotional punch at the journey’s end."

North West End - 5 Stars "’I've written for this website before about plays about mental health being somewhat ubiquitous in the amateur/fringe theatre world of London, but this truly felt like a fresh script that tackled issues in a new and thought-provoking way. I found last night’s performance so compelling – and was also reminded how gorgeous the Lion and Unicorn’s outdoor area is – that I’m going to go back and see it again. I want to share it with someone who I hope will enjoy it as much as I did"

Production Photos/Posters/Playtext Cover:

Play Image

Sleeping Lions


The invitations have been delivered, the party games are ready, the table is set and the balloons are up. But where are all the children? Mum Katie is convinced that her precious son Leo is the most popular boy in the class but Dad Max has discovered something that tears him apart. Other parents whisper conspiratorially at the school gates and plot to keep their children away. So, whose version of the truth is real? As the parents wait for the birthday party to kick off, the clock ticks and tension builds to an unbearable climax

Number of Characters: 5

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 5

Length (in Pages): 70

Location: Living Room

Key Words: Loss, parenting, grief, love, support

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins: TFT New writing prize winner 2021 Final round of 2021 Papatango Prize. Nominated ETTIES best regional show.


Everything Theatre. 4 Stars - "The closing image is one that will stay with audiences as they leave, both visually and emotionally. With what is revealed, we can’t help but try to examine the clues that were dropped along the way, and be impressed with the cleverness with which they were curated."

Kevin Fraser, Artistic Director TFT - "We received more than 275 entries – all full length and brand new plays – of great quality and covering different themes. Sleeping Lions stood out above them all. It’s an incredible play that everyone will relate to on some level. I have been working in theatre for over 30 years – and it is one of the best plays that I have ever read. I am delighted for Tom Derrington our first ever winner."


