About me

I am a 58 years old,  retired teacher who's potential career path was sideswiped by raising two children with Tourette syndrome. Add in that no one at the time knew of the condition or wanted to associate with it or, dread of dread, have such children like mine in their schools, then it was tough. In fact the toughest thing I've ever done. However awareness was raised, successful outcomes for both kids followed and then I was left,  the wife of a retired, rural police officer, to scrape together what years I have left to achieve what I should have achieved. So if  life doesn't throw me any more curve balls, then I am going to write and have some fun whilst doing so.

I have several projects on the go, one being a play based in Scarborough, involving a newly widowed woman whose late husband had made her promised to re-enact the first evening they'd met. Some 30 years later she fines herself figuring out how to streak across Spa Bridge on Midsummer's Eve. The only problem is, she's over 50, over-weight and over found of wine. Oh, and did I add, her brother-in-law is the police sergeant of  the shift that will be on duty the night of the summer solstice.

My Plays

I will add details of my plays soon.

Profile Photo
Kim Storey
@ storeymaker
