About me

My plays and writing are characterised by an attention to memory and location – often linked to music and the resonance it gives to time and place. Driven by the narrative of specific forms and prompts – from candid photographs of life on the London Underground in the 1980s to minutely detailed throwaway vignettes crafted from discarded till receipts – I tend to focus on an honest search for some kind of bleak and often funny truth in the stories.

I have 12 completed scripts ranging from full-length plays to short monologue works, plus many other fragments still waiting for the right picture on the box. I have self-produced work here and in conjunction with the hugely supportive Jersey Arts Centre and ArtHouse Jersey as well as being part of a collective that puts work-in-progress on at local venues. I am currently working on a paid commission of a full-length play focusing on the historical nature of hoards and their meaning in a modern context. This is due for completion in Aug '25. I am also involved in a second collaboration with our family company of creatives – Mezzanine – for a children’s festival piece scheduled for Jul ’25 – again, commissioned by Jersey Arts Centre following our first production to celebrate the venue’s 40th birthday – One of Those Streets – in Jan ’22. I am a playwright, director, performer and theatre maker based in Jersey, C.I. Originally from London, I was an actor and storyteller before I started to write and still perform in much of my work.

My Plays

I will add details of my plays soon.

Profile Photo
Simon MacDonald
@ simonmacdonald


Jersey, C.I.
