About me

I am an emerging playwright based in Cambridgeshire, UK with an MA in Writing for Stage and Broadcast Media from the Royal Central School for Speech and Drama. My plays include the award-nominated ‘The Baffling Adventures of Question-Mark Man’ (Edinburgh Fringe), ‘The High Life’ (Baron’s Court Theatre) and ‘All Work No Play’ (Lion and Unicorn Theatre, Longlisted for The Royal Court’s Lynne Gagliano Writers' Award). My play Bodkin’s Beans was recently longlisted for the 2024 the Bread and Roses Playwriting Award.


I was selected as part of the Mercury Playwrights 2021 development group for emerging East of England playwrights. I have also written and performed comedy sketches for the BBC Radio Norfolk New Comedy Show and BBC Radio Cambridgeshire and worked as a script reader for The Space theatre. My most recent commission was Smoke Diamonds, a crime thriller audio play that can be heard on the Walking Plays app.

For more information about me and my writing, explore my website here.

My Plays

The High Life


Stuck in a dead-end job serving coffee, Kayla longs for something more. But a chance meeting opens the door to a high-powered job in the world of PR: a new world, with a dark side. Plunged into a ‘work hard, play hard’ culture, imposter syndrome and a secret relationship with her boss, Kayla’s story is a rollercoaster that spirals out of control.

Number of Characters: 1

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 1

Length (in Pages): 43

Location: London/Dubai

Key Words: Toxic workplace comedy drama centred on a black female lead

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


West End Best Friend
https://www.westendbestfriend.co.uk/news/review-the-high-life-barons-court-theatre - 4 stars

Everything Theatre
https://everything-theatre.co.uk/2023/02/review-the-high-life-barons-court-theatre/ - 4 Stars

Profile Photo
Scott Younger
@ scottyounger


St Neots, Cambridgeshire, UK
