About me

I am a theatre maker, director, writer and visual artist interested in taking uncomfortable messy truths and serving them up through the medium of theatre and visual art.  I want to give air to them and encourage them to take up space. I want to ask the viewer to collectively bear witness to the human condition in all its frailty and as a result to feel more human and alive. A muscle disorder has helped me to be ergonomic with the approach I take to my work and enabled me to take time to observe and develop my critical eye.  Heavily influenced by the teaching of Chattie Salaman, an inspirational teacher at The Guildhall School of Music & Drama (training 1988 and 1991) my work seeks to interrogate the human condition through the mediums of theatre and visual art, focusing on stories that exist in the hinterland and margins of society, devising new work and reworking classic texts that resonate with a contemporary and changing audience.

My Plays

I will add details of my plays soon.

Profile Photo
Sam Holland-Bunyan
@ samholland-bunyan


