About me

Award-winning playwright and resident writer / co-founder of Full Frontal Theatre - www.fullfrontaltheatre.com - a womxn-led company focused on bold new writing.
Through my work, as a feisty northern state-school woman, I love to explore themes of class divide and gender using dark drama and comedy. I am interested in how theatre can be used to challenge audiences, draw light to complex socio-political problems and make change.
About me:
I set up Full Frontal in 2024, during my final year studying an MA in Theatre with Innovation at Bristol University. At Bristol I had gained successes as a playwright, winning the Alpine Fellowship '24, gaining a competitive slot on Mike Aker's Tobacco Factory Theatres writing scheme and winning the Wickham Theatre's 75th anniversary prize - judged by Julia Donaldson in conjunction with Pan Macmillan.
Work produced through Full Frontal:
'To Watch a Man Eat' - a dark comedy and class satire which toured from Bristol to The Shakespeare North Playhouse, Edinburgh Fringe and London - to a five-star reception. This play explored financial, sexual and gendered power dynamics behind the closed door of an investment banker & his wife's London townhouse.
'A scalding exploration of the appetites of our metropolitan elite'. 
This show was named no.3 in Backstage Bristol's 2024 Theatre-Must-Sees.
'Rodney Black: Who Cares? It's Working' - winner of The Alpine Fellowship Playwriting Prize, this dark drama follows a stand-up comedian whose misogynistic humour is pushed to the limits in the name of fame-hungry controversy. Blending stand-up and theatre, this work puts the audience in the hot-seat, asking when does the joke stop being funny?
Having just completed a 4* WIP production in London, Rodney Black has now been developed to transfer to The Bristol Improv Theatre, Manchester’s 53Two and (Full Frontal finances-dependant) has been given a slot this Edinburgh Fringe at Gilded Balloon.
Critical response to my work:
5* North West End (TWAME) - 'Sadie Pearson writes like a demon. She is funny, clever, perceptive and sharp and it is an intoxicating combination.'
5* Must See Theatre (TWAME) - 'gripping, darkly funny and overtly sensuous'
5* Elaine Chapman - Office Senior Assessor (TWAME) - 'raw, honest and thought-provoking'
5* The Reviews Hub (TWAME) - 'a story which keeps its audience on its toes and hungry, or rather gagging for more'
4* North West End (Rodney) - 'It’s difficult. It will grab audiences, and it doesn’t let go'
Nick Blood - Alpine Head Judge (Rodney) - 'big and bold, it is clear we are in the presence of a writer to watch'

My Plays

Rodney Black: Who Cares? It\'s Working.


In the comedy world, where controversy is king, when does the joke stop being funny?

Rodney Black, has made his career as a two-fingers-up-to-polite-society comedian, infamous for outrage and provocation. Fuelled by contemporary qualms around ‘language’ policing, his career is at its peak as he titillates and aggravates with equal measure, cushioned by the seemingly impenetrable defence that it is all ‘just a joke!’.
The ultimate dichotomy between celebrity and reality, it seems Rodney doesn't believe a word he says, owing his career to a gratuitous persona and a money-hungry manager. When a dedicated super-fan makes headlines, Rodney is faced with an ethical dilemma as he engages with new found spotlight - to what extent is Rodney culpable?

Number of Characters: 3

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 3

Length (in Pages): 40

Location: Black Box

Key Words: Dark Drama Comedy Stand-Up Masculinity Politics Incels Feminism Technology Media Free Speech Cancel Culture

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins: 2024 Alpine Fellowship Playwrighting Award


\'Rodney Black is a show without hard answers, and in that way, it approaches the subject matter with a humility that is often lacking in discussions of this topic. Yet it is also admirably unwilling to let go of its eye to injustice. It’s difficult. It will grab audiences, and it doesn’t let go.\' - North West End, 4*

\'Sadie Pearson is truly the champion of the three-actor-show... a testament to the fantastic writing. These topics are well-handled and well-implemented - an insight into exactly why we need to consider the debate of free speech.\' - Fetch London Magazine

\'It balanced horror and genuine moments of comedy on a knifes edge. It was horrible, but you never tire of it.\' - North West Londoner

Production Photos/Posters/Playtext Cover:

Play Image

To Watch a Man Eat


Two blokes, choked by their white and blue collars. One woman, hungry for it all. When it comes to the ravenous ambitions of our metropolitan elite, what will satiate their appetites… Sex, Money or Trifle?

Firefighter Micky and investment banker Andrew are choked by their respective blue and white collars. Micky puts the "man" in manual, content with trifle for breakfast and all things analogue. Our moral truth sayer, he's perplexed by people like Andrew, permanently in competition to keep his bum on his desk chair the longest, all in pursuit of the lifestyle his partner Melissa thirsts for. A wolf in a frilly apron, she lives to serve Andrew dinner and watch him tear it apart.
The harder he works, the later he stays, the more she feels it. What it’s like to have a real man. They don’t make many of those these days…
With the tides of Andrew’s career potentially turning, Micky observes our metropolitan moguls as they navigate the tumultuous seas of corporate elitism. When an unexpected tragedy strikes, Andrew is forced to reconsider his motivations for climbing the corporate ladder, under the looming pressure of Melissa’s watchful eye.
As Micky knows all too well, ‘you’d be surprised that most of your life is flammable’.

Number of Characters: 3

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 3

Length (in Pages): 30

Location: Black Box

Key Words: Dark comedy drama class gender sex masculinity modernity corporate

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


‘Sadie Pearson writes like a demon. She is funny, clever, perceptive and sharp and it is an intoxicating combination’ – North West End, 5*

‘Scintillating script… insightful and intelligent… which twists the narrative when it’s least expected’ – Must See Theatre. 5*

‘It’s impossible to draw your eyes away from the action which unfolds before us, and it’s a dangerously delicious feast’ – The Reviews Hub, 5*

‘Genuinely new and thought-provoking… Sadie Pearson’s script explores some fascinating places’ – The Wee Review, 4*

‘Every single word of playwright Sadie Pearson’s text feels purposeful and powerful’ – Fetch Magazine London

‘Piquant and clever’ – London Pub Theatres, 4*

‘Raw, honest and thought-provoking’ – Elaine Chapman, senior assessor at OffWestend.com, 5*

Production Photos/Posters/Playtext Cover:

Play Image
Profile Photo
Sadie Pearson
@ sadiepearson


London / Manchester / Bristol
