About me

I am a playwright based out of Cincinnati, Ohio.  I have been writing since 2023.  I generally write plays that are for young audiences or feature parts to be played by young performers.  I enjoy writing plays that make readers and audience members ask questions.  I have had pieces performed virtually and in the United States.  I additionally have pieces published with Drama Notebook and Dramatic Chaos.

My Plays

Even when the storm comes


A group of pre-teen friends navigate life's tragedies and show that sometimes the strongest members of a community, are the smallest.

Number of Characters: 8

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 8

Length (in Pages): 82

Location: A park; Circa 1980

Key Words: Grief, heartbreak, young love, family dynamics

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


ILY: A New Musical


Two high school girls from very different backgrounds and upbringing find themselves falling in love. They navigate their first relationship, changing family dynamics, and not being accepted for who they are before finally showing the community around them to love their neighbors as themselves.

Number of Characters: 5

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 5

Length (in Pages): 101

Location: Various locations around a small American town.

Key Words: Love is love, young love, Catholicism, acceptance.

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Profile Photo
Ryan Vaughan
@ ryangvaughan
