About me

I’m an actress and writer. A co-written play HOLY FOOL will be at  Park Theatre later this year (Park200) or very early next. Just been in Christmas Special of BBC’s BEYOND PARADISE, feature film MISPER and award-winning short MAFIA.

My Plays



In the near future Stephen, an unpopular, private Prince of Wales is having his wife chosen for him by Reality TV. We’re down to the final three.

Outside, foodbanks are at capacity and feral children roam the streets. The Palace gates are blown open to let in terrifying amounts of fresh air. Will playing the popular culture game save Stephen’s bacon? What does entitlement demand in return? What are the consequences of not taking responsibility for our actions?

PRINCE OF HEARTS was chosen as one of six to be showcased at Stephen Joseph Theatre in 2018 – and made the longlist at the Mercury/Steinberger Playwriting Prize:
‘Comedic talent shines through this ambitious and imaginative piece, which centres on an intriguing concept. Moments of razor-sharp writing are littered throughout … this writer clearly possesses a wealth of exciting ideas.’

Number of Characters: 7

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 5

Length (in Pages): 110

Location: London 2066

Key Words: satire humanity reality tv topicality

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


'Instantly appealing...a highly entertaining, well-structure piece of satire' Royal Court TheatreLiterary Department

'Topicality, humour, humanity' Berlin Associates

‘Comedic talent shines through this ambitious and imaginative piece, which centres on an intriguing concept. Moments of razor-sharp writing are littered throughout … this writer clearly possesses a wealth of exciting ideas.’ Mercury/Steinberger Playwriting Prize

Profile Photo
Rosalind Adler
@ rosalindadler
