About me


I’m a French playwright and theatre director based in Bristol. I discovered that my passion lay in writing and directing while studying English literature at the University of Bristol – and I haven’t looked back since.

I co-founded a female led theatre company with three peers and over the past three years, I’ve written, directed, and staged four plays across fringe theatres in Bristol, London, and Edinburgh, earning strong critical and audience acclaim.

My writing tends to sit between genres, balancing the unsettling and the funny, the raw and the ridiculous. I’m fascinated by love, death, farces, and the strange mechanics of human desire – the things we long for, fear, and laugh at when no one’s looking. I write what scares me, and I’m drawn to stories that are voyeuristic, darkly comic, and uncomfortably intimate.

I’m an active part of the theatre scene, constantly engaging with new work, new artists, and new ideas. I’m always eager to collaborate, experiment, and push my writing into unexpected places.

My Plays

Death, Cheddar and Other Urgent Matters


Death, Cheddar, and Other Urgent Matters is a razor-sharp and achingly funny dissection of sex, death, and all the awkwardness in between. She died mid-performance—right there, on stage. But somehow, the show isn’t over. Trapped in the liveness of a theatre performance, she’s still talking. About love, about sex, about the moments that make us feel alive and the grief and absurdity of leaving it all behind. She has things she should have said, things she still wants to know, and an audience full of people who might be able to hear her… but can’t answer back.

It’s raw, painfully intimate, sometimes filthy, sometimes existential, always alive.

Number of Characters: 2

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 2

Length (in Pages): 45

Location: A black box theatre

Key Words: Death, One Woman Show, love, death, young woman, grief, comedy, dark comedy

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Ponderings and Sonderings of a Sometimes Sexual Nature


'Ponderings and Sonderings of a Sometimes Sexual Nature' is a strange story that sits somewhere in between a darkly comic romance and a psychological drama. When Sophie, a young ghostwriter, knocks on Agatha’s door, she sets in motion a haunting and erotic triangle between herself, the isolated woman, and her dead best friend’s brother, Benjamin. It's a voyeuristic exploration of desire, grief, and human connection. It navigates themes of aging, loneliness, and the way sexual desire persists and transforms over time, offering moments of sharp humour, brutal honesty, and uncomfortable tenderness.

Number of Characters: 3

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 1

Length (in Pages): 101

Location: A small town in England, a house, a room, a park

Key Words: psychological, love, drama, dark comedy, love, grief, women, woman

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Profile Photo
Rosalie Roger-Lacan
@ rosalierogerlacan


Bristol, London
