About me

I work as a proofreader and copyeditor, having previously worked in journalism.  My short film script Take-Out was performed and recorded at Granada studios in Manchester as part of the TAPS television scheme, and my TV drama script [sic] was a runner-up in the 2011 Red Planet Prize.  My sitcom script That Love Particle was optioned by the BBC and my comedy sketches have been performed at the 3 Minute Theatre in Manchester.  I was the winner of the Ted Walters Poetry Competition for my poem The See-Saw, which was also published by The Interpreter’s House magazine.  My poem Time was published by the online zine The Poetry Combination Module, and my poem Slingshot was included in the Samaritans Poems of Hope Anthology, which was published in July, 2024.
My short film script Game Time was shortlisted for the 2021 Cheshire Prize for Literature and was included in the University of Chester’s Unlocked Anthology.  My short story The Boy Who Went and my poem Schadenfraud were shortlisted for the 2023 Cheshire Prize for Literature and were included in the University of Chester’s Humankind Anthology.  My short play Will was performed at the Hen & Chickens Theatre in Islington in 2024 as part of the Emerging Artists Festival curated by Rebound Productions.  The opening scene of my full-length play Will was performed at Liverpool’s Royal Court Theatre in 2024 as part of a Stage Write night.  My short film script Fizz Buzz was filmed by the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire’s Acting School in 2024 and is available to watch on Vimeo.

My Plays



Host Drew introduces a new TV game show where feuding siblings compete to inherit the estate of their recently-deceased parents. First up are Jack and older sister Gill. Jack states he was a good son who made time for his parents even after he got married and had children. Gill states that she gave up the chance of being a mother to care for her parents after their dementia diagnoses, and so deserves all the money.
Viewers vote, and Drew announces that Gill has won. Jack pulls out a gun and says he’d rather kill Gill and himself than see her inherit the money. Jack orders everyone in the studio to leave apart from Gill and Drew, and makes the latter play Russian Roulette using two bullets, before eventually releasing him. Gill pleads with Jack to give himself up and states that he can have all the money, reminding him of their happy childhood, and though Jack wavers, he points the gun at Gill’s head and pulls the trigger – the gun jams. Jack makes Gill swear that she’ll give the money to his children and runs offstage, and we hear four police gunshots, followed by Gill’s piercing scream.

Number of Characters: 3

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 3

Length (in Pages): 50

Location: A London TV studio

Key Words: Drama, Sibling Rivalry, Competitive Grieving, Hostage Taking

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Profile Photo
Roberto Rodriguez
@ robertorodriguez2025


Macclesfield, Cheshire
