About me

Rory Murphy's first full length stage play 'The Myth' had a rehearsed reading with the Hammersmith Actors & Writers’ Group in 1997. He also wrote a number of 'mini-drama' scripts for a variety of corporate and training videos but his writing career took more of a back seat in the early 2000’s whilst managing media production and digital technology projects. However, he recently returned to write for the stage and in 2024 rehearsed readings of his play 'The Chat Show' and the short 'The Song of the Bluebells' were held at the Actors & Writers London group and continues to contribute there and to other like-minded creative forums.

My Plays

The Chat Show


Revenge is a dish best served Live On Air when a TV Chat Show plots to surprise its raconteur celebrity guest with secrets to hide.
“The Chat Show” is a play about truth and lies and a satire on the Talk Show genre exploring whether ‘no legacy is so rich as honesty’ - but where the trips to the archive seemingly tell more of the truth than the banter on stage.

Number of Characters: 5

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 5

Length (in Pages): 73

Location: Play takes place on the set and backstage of a television chat show a year or so after Covid.

Key Words: comedy drama, comedy, drama, satire

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Production Photos/Posters/Playtext Cover:

Play Image
Profile Photo
Rory Murphy
@ rjmurphy
