About me

Playwright and writer.
My short plays include ‘Weather’ ( Drayton Arms Theatre, London) ‘Pie Lottery’ (The egg, Theatre Royal, Bath) ‘Alice Seeks Silence’ ( Out of Your Mind Festival, The egg , Theatre Royal, Bath and Superwoman New Writing Festival, Theatre53two, Manchester) ‘City’ (Alma Theatre, Bristol) Most recently my short play ‘ Ends and Means ‘ received a script in hand performance Page2Stage, the Water Rats, London January 2025z
My short fiction has won awards, been broadcast in Radio 4, Radio 4Extra and Radio 3, including live broadcasts from Bath Literature Festival. And published by Arachne Press, Bandit Fiction and The London Reader.

My Plays

I will add details of my plays soon.

Profile Photo
Pippa Gladhill
@ pippagladhill
