About me
I particularly enjoy fantasy when reading and writing but I always put an emphasis on making my characters real, regardless of genre.
I love working with people, collaborating with them to look at things from new angles.
For me, theatre is a way to make sense of the world. It is full of magic as you don’t have re-takes, camera cuts or CGI to hide behind: everything is real.
My Plays
Runaway Home
A 20 minute production for a school drama competition in which the years 7, 8 and 9s performed.
Princess Lydia of the Island of Dememter runs away from her dictator of a father. On the run, she meets a band of pirates who take her on adventures, eventually forcing her to face her greatest fears.
Number of Characters: 12
Minimum Number of Actors Required: 16
Length (in Pages): 16
Location: A kingdom and on the ocean
Key Words: Queer, pirates, adventure, identity, family, trust
Has the Play Been Produced? Yes
Are the Rights Available? Yes
Has the Play Been Published? No
Award nominations/wins: Best actorBest supporting actorMost promising newcomerBest scriptBest directionBest overall designBest lighting 1st place
The students who saw it said it was the best of the 6 plays they saw.
“Hanover’s {another house} was a good house drama play, Tudor’s {mine} was a good play”
“It was like a school production and to a significantly better standard than normal”