About me

I have been working in professional theatre since 1978 as an actor/writerr/director. My writings have been broadcast on the BBC short stories and I have had plays produced in the UK and the US. My Novel 'West End Boys West End Girls' is currently in print. My latest play 'Swimmers'has been workshopped in the UK and New York arts festival 2024 and I wish to develop this script for the UK stage.

My Plays



A Cypriot Greek couple wish to conceive and after many unsuccessful years of trying, go through the IVF process. Three attempts, three pregnancies and one birth. Their story is filled with questions, laughter and tears. The result is a healthy baby they can treasure.

Number of Characters: 2

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 2

Length (in Pages): 47

Location: UK / or anywhere where couples are trying to conceive.

Key Words: Family drama with humour

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins: Selected to play reading at ARTNY Ripple effect writing festival


To be yet found

Production Photos/Posters/Playtext Cover:

Play Image
Profile Photo
Peter Stone
@ petertimothystonegmaiil-com


Nailsworth, Gloucestershire

Agent Details

Taga management
