About me

Niamh is an award-winning screenwriter and playwright from the South West. Her debut play "The Duchess of Buckingham Regrets To Inform You That Her Husband Is Dead" was produced and developed by Ruckus Theatre Co. and played at Edinburgh and Camden Fringe Festivals in 2024, and at Watford Fringe in 2023.
As a screenwriter, she was named as 1 of 7 feature writers on the FilmarketHub UK Hub List 2023, was in the Top 10 (Historical / Period / War) in the Final Draft Big Break Contest (2023), and placed in the top 9%/Second Sift of the BBC Writers Open Call (2024). She writes female-focused comedies and comedy-dramas and hopes to write more silliness for stages and screens everywhere.

My Plays

The Blackwoods of Gloucester Have Taken A House In Bath


1814. The middle class Blackwoods have taken a house in Bath, having matched youngest daughter Martha to the Earl. But when they accidentally kill the Earl, they're forced to cover it up from his barrister brother and a nosy local vicar.

Number of Characters: 9

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 9

Length (in Pages): 100

Location: Regency Bath

Key Words: Comedy, farce, family, Regency, romance, silly

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


The Duchess of Buckingham Regrets To Inform You That Her Husband Is Dead


1816. The Duke of Buckingham's unexpected death causes chaos for his widow, who must remarry in a week or lose everything.

Number of Characters: 9

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 9

Length (in Pages): 90

Location: Regency England

Key Words: Historical, dramady

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Profile Photo
Niamh Dunne
@ niamhdunne


Wiltshire, UK
