About me

Smoggie theatre fella in the big smoke. Artistic and executive director at the Space Theatre. As a writer, interested in history, politics and epic theatre for a modern audience.

My Plays

Ten Days


A slice of intensified history of the Russian Revolution, from February to October, told across ten days, through the eyes of journalist John Reed.

Number of Characters: 40

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 10

Length (in Pages): 69

Location: Petrograd, Russia 1917

Key Words: Epic, history, Russia, Revolution

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


"An epic endeavour recounting the true events of 1917 Russia. It might not sound like a thrilling evening, but this is a history lesson that will leave you in awe of the sheer audacity of staging such a play... Ten Days is an absolute epic endeavour. It’s easy to imagine the play appearing for a ten-week run in the West End, it has that epic feel about it." - **** Everything Theatre

"A two-hour+ intensive course in some details of Russian history, might sound rather demanding if not daunting, and it is. What Jameson has achieved however, is to inject events with humour, generate fast-paced action and create clearly defined characters that even doubling up can’t blur. He’s also puts in some lines that clearly relate to our times and perhaps invite ponderings as to why we are not ourselves in a state of revolution.... A monumental and complex work that is history brought to life and made fun, while providing food for thought about the times in which we live." - **** Broadway Baby

"It achieves its aim of presenting a significant chunk of “intensified history” and is a salutary reminder that what happened then has repercussions now. Whether you think you already know everything or nothing at all about the Russian revolution you will certainly learn something you didn’t know before and if it inspires you to consider contemporary events more carefully then that’s certainly no bad thing either." - 2nd from the Bottom

"This is a political thriller about the rise of the workers and the fall of the Tsar. Delivered in a lively style which reaches through the last century and makes the issues very contemporary, Ten Days has style and something of tongue in cheek... Jameson’s script feels very current and pertinent. Conflict in history always has something to teach us.
This is history set in accessible form" - LouReviews

Profile Photo
Matthew Jameson
@ mjamesonohyes


East London - E14 (Isle of Dogs) & E15 (Stratford)
