About me

Hello all! I am an actor, playwright and singer-songwriter who is completely obsessed with story and am confident in each of these disciplines. I studied at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and graduated in 2023 and am looking to make big movements in this industry. I look forward to meeting all of you and ready to get my projects off the ground!

My Plays

he said she said


A house of 4 friends studying law fractured by a possible truth. Nothing is concrete and yet everyone fervently believes in their personal conclusions... but are they right?

Jake is unwilling to leave a house that believes him to be guilty of sexual assault. His best friend(Carlos)'s girlfriend (Annie) is the alleged victim. Sarah (Annie's best friend) is holding the fort while Annie takes time away from the situation. Jerome (the local dealer) has become a frequent visitor amongst the group and unintendedly antagonizes them with his neutrality leading to a boiling pot that is marinating into the most suppressed, sizzling, tense, uncomfortable, turbulent, hairpulling yet riveting, and somewhat humorous at times, atmosphere propelling an audience into questioning several moral dilemmas and inevitably confronting the most important question... "But what do I think?". (Run time: 45 mins, Interval, 45 mins)

Number of Characters: 5

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 5

Length (in Pages): 91

Location: One location, Living room and kitchen area, two story house, London

Key Words: Drama, Morality, Sexual Assault, Cancel Culture

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Profile Photo
Misha Salinas
@ mishasalinas


London, England
