About me

Queer & ethnically Jewish writer-Performer specialising in comedy-drama with distinct and unique character voices.

Currently in development:

- JUPITER TOOTHPASTE (dir. Sasha Regan, Co-Producer James Pearson (Pearson Theatre Productions, Casting Dir. Pearson Casting CDG). This show previewed at the Union Theatre in October 2024 with a great audience reception. We have this recorded and are now looking for either: TV producers/commissioners to attach, theatre producers to attach or fund, or funding opportunities. This show is a queer-focussed and female led comedy-drama centred around world's first mum vlogger and her now adult daughter who is severely agoraphobic and mentally unwell.

- EPITOME/YOUTH - short film in dev. Queer awakening/romance coming of age with a hint of comedy and and drama.

- BOYFRIEND MATERIAL - an eight person narrative play centring around three different romantic/sexual relationships and how they progress through the characters lives.

- MESHUGGENEH - a two person play about medical negligence, health anxiety/hypochondria, sex - and how all of these can intermingle.

- FANG1RL - a serial drama TV Series focussed around a young woman who intersects herself into her idols life. A twisted social commentary on celebrity culture, idolisation, and fangirl culture.

- WOLF WHISTLE - Psychological thriller around a female cannibal who kills and eats the men that are rude to her.

Currently seeking literary representation, or writer-performer representation.

My Plays



Exploring relationships through narrative voice.

Angel is in a relationship with Sam. She thinks he's sleeping with loads of other girls, and doesn't really care because he treats her okay, and that's the best she's ever had.
Sam is actually only sleeping with Georgia, and falling for her whilst also in love with Angel.
Georgia is pregnant with Sam's baby.
Ezra is an orthodox Jewish man, not out to his family yet, but in love with and living with Beau, his religious christian partner of years.
Evadne and Max are together through their parents wishes, marrying of the same calibre of wealth - except luckily there is love there. And then, they both meet Manny, and sparks fly.

Boyfriend Material follows these three (or more) relationships through the course of their lifetime.

Number of Characters: 8

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 7

Length (in Pages): 60

Location: -

Key Words: Romance, sex, love, queer, drama, culture, polyamory, relationships

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:




Meet JULIETTE VOX, known by the media as the ‘perfect mum’ – doula to celebrities, influencer and general B-List celebrity.
And MAHALA, her 23-year-old daughter who hasn’t left the house in years.
Agoraphobic, angry and trying any new hobby available under the sun, MAHALA’s derailing mental health is self-destructive and primarily comes out in the form of provoking reactions from her mother.
CARLY is JULIETTE’S girlfriend and completely unaware of any family problems/traumatic pasts.

JULIETTE is masking from the world and MAHALA is hiding from it.
It is only when MAHALA & CARLY meet, and chaos ensues that some damage can finally be reversed.
The series explores themes of celebrity/cancel culture in the media, mental health, and LGBTQ families, alongside more.

Number of Characters: 8

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 4

Length (in Pages): 90

Location: A house in North London

Key Words: Queer, comedy, drama, mental health, influencer, celebrity, love, family, female led

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins: CCI Monologue competition




A story through non-chronological scenes with two actors who are likely two sides of the same person, but may not be. Exploring female medical negligence, hypochondria and sex, and how all of these can link together. And it's really funny.

Number of Characters: 2

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 2

Length (in Pages): 60

Location: Bedroom

Key Words: Jewish, Medical Negligence, Sex, Relationships, Anxiety, Persona

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Profile Photo
Martina Cohen
@ martina-ac


Based in Kent and half the time in Cambridge. In London most weeks for work. Also have bases with family in Birmingham and Liverpool.
