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My Plays
Cat Sick
Everyone is looking for Alex, but he's sat near Norwich Market. His house has just burned down and he seems more worried about the cat, than his house.
Number of Characters: 3
Minimum Number of Actors Required: 3
Length (in Pages): 12
Location: Norwich Market
Key Words: comedy, Young People, 1980s, and Thatcher\'s Britain
Has the Play Been Produced? No
Are the Rights Available? Yes
Has the Play Been Published? No
Award nominations/wins:
Ross Tedford Kendall (New Play Exchange)
“ I really liked this play. The humor is dark and funny, and the use of the dialect gives this piece a really unique feel. Would love to see it on this side of the Atlantic. ”
Christopher Plumridge: (New Play Exchange)
“ What a situation Al has made for himself as he sits and mopes around the back of the market. This is a bad situation but the dark comedy draws you in somewhat against your will. Throw in a bemused friend and a sympathetic police woman and you have a great play here! ”
Production Photos/Posters/Playtext Cover: