About me

I came late to playwriting late (in my 50s) but have now written a number of shorts and full length plays, several of which have been produced at London Fringe Theatres. During lockdown i filmed one of my plays with actor friends via zoom - 'Devil's Food Cake' about the impact of an eating disorder on the family, went on to win the best newcomer  award at Brighton Fringe 2021. My play 'Birds of Passage', about the juxtaposition of masss tourism and the refugee crisis is currently in rehearsal, and will be performed at the Drayton Arms Theatre, London in March 2025. An early version of this script was longlisted for the 2016 Papatango Prize, though its taken a while to resurrect it, redraft it and get it to the stage under a new title.

Biography (selected)
2025 'Birds of Passage': coming in March
2022 ‘A Plague On All Your Houses’ Angels’ Wings Theatre Company, Riverside Studios, London
2021 ‘Baby on Board’ Angels’ Wings Theatre Company, OSO Arts Centre, London
2021 'Devil's Food Cake' (stage version). Golden Goose Theatre London
2021 'Devil's Food Cake' (online version) Brighton Fringe 2021. Best Newcomer Award
2020 ‘The Plague Thing’ and ‘Stranded. (short films) online.thespaceUK. Both OnComm award winners
2019 ‘Bed 13’ OSO Arts Centre, London
2017 ‘Watching Paint Dry’, Five Minute Festival, Stockwell Playhouse
2017 ‘Paying My Respects’, Directors Cut Theatre Company, Southwark Playhouse

My Plays

Birds of Passage


Emma, Bill and Sandra book holidays on a beautiful Greek island, expecting sun, sea and souvlaki. But as disturbing events unfold on the beach, tourists, locals and a mystery arrival find themselves caught up in an escalating humanitarian crisis. A new play exploring the complex relationship between mass tourism and the refugee crisis. Humour, hard-hitting themes and unexpected twists.

Number of Characters: 6

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 6

Length (in Pages): 64

Location: Zandros, a fictional Greek island close to the coast of Turkey

Key Words: Drama, topical, refugee crisis

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins: In rehearsal for performance 11-15th March 2025


In rehearsal for performance 11-15th March 2025

Profile Photo
Marcia Kelson
@ marciakelson


London, UK
