About me
Topics that I am particularly interested in include:
Historical events and characters
Queer relationships/experiences
Happy to collaborate, so please reach out!
My Plays
Do You Polari?
An older man approaches the audience, asking for a cigarette. He finds comfort in the audience\'s understanding of his Polari slang and opens up to them that it is not chance that he ran into you. After he confesses his feelings for you, he distracts a a police raid so you can escape.
Number of Characters: 1
Minimum Number of Actors Required: 1
Length (in Pages): 3
Location: 1960s, A London Alley
Key Words: Queer, drama, historical, Polari
Has the Play Been Produced? No
Are the Rights Available? Yes
Has the Play Been Published? No
Award nominations/wins:
Who Killed Karl Heinrich Ulrichs?
After a journalist is discovered murdered, several distinguished doctors gather to determine who could have committed the act. Their efforts to cover up their involvement are thwarted when he comes back to life and reveals their involvement in his (queer) life.
Number of Characters: 5
Minimum Number of Actors Required: 5
Length (in Pages): 10
Location: An indeterminate location with a polite atmosphere
Key Words: Surreal, mystery, black comedy, history
Has the Play Been Produced? No
Are the Rights Available? Yes
Has the Play Been Published? No
Award nominations/wins: