About me

I am working class  playwright, script writer and actress with a disability, based in Manchester and London.I'm a member of BAFTA Connect, longlisted for Papatango and RSC Script award and was awarded a residency at Sheffield Theatres for a new play called She's Made Of Scales.

I write about outsiders, loners and illuminate the everyday with moments of hope and fantasy. Sometimes I write from personal experience and two of my plays have been based on actual events that have happened to me including LUNCHTIME ON THE MED and SHE'S MADE OF SCALES.

I am currently writing 2 new plays.

I have been part of the following schemes:

BFI Northern Voice, CBEEBIES New Voices, Box of Tricks PenPals, ScreenSkills /Danc Mentor scheme.

I am a full member of WGGB and Equity.



My Plays

I will add details of my plays soon.

Profile Photo
Katherine Harrison
@ katherineharrison12
