About me

I live in Norfolk, often write at Dragon Hall, and recently completed a NCW Screenwriting course. I was in the first cohort of New Writers at the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly in 2016, and have produced over 60 audiobook titles from a home recording studio. My first book, a biography of an 18th century Earl called ‘An Angel Amongst Strange Bears’ was published in 2023 and made the short list of the East Anglian Book Awards.

‘Out and Out’ a play based on stories of women being thrown out of the British Army for being gay, came runner up in the Nugent Monck Prize and won The Play Lottery in 2024. It is being produced and staged in Norfolk this summer (2025). I have written several as yet un-produced plays including the life and stories of Saki, and on the unfinished business following the Hyde Park bombing. I am now immersed in a script based on a true story set in London’s Adelphi Theatre in the late 1800s.

My Plays

I will add details of my plays soon.


Norfolk, UK
