About me

I am a National Theatre New Views Shortlisted writer and graduate of the Royal Exchange Young Writers’ programme interested in Queer stories and forms.
My writing is particularly focused around ideas of Queer identity, reclaiming ‘deviance’, and the historical and political threads of Queer existence, and how theatre’s form and content can be politically Queer.

My Plays

Billionaires Row


The media trial of the millennia. Five Billionaires, taken from across history and locked in a room together, must argue their case as to why they deserve their wealth and should be allowed to live.

Number of Characters: 5

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 5

Length (in Pages): 43

Location: A studio set

Key Words: Political, Comedy.

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins: Shortlisted for the National Theatre New Views Competition (2020)


Goodbye Christopher Isherwood


Structured around the plot of Isherwood’s semi-autobiographical Mr Norris Changes Trains and combined with reflections from his later writings, Goodbye Christopher Isherwood explores the fall of the vibrant world of Weimar Berlin just before the rise of the Nazis using Isherwood’s own life as its focal point.

Arriving in Berlin in 1929, Christopher quickly falls in love with the city and its gay scene, introduced to him by the shady figure of Gerald Hamilton. For perhaps the first time in his life he is able to live openly among other people like him and he enjoys sex, parties, and a decadent roaring twenties lifestyle. Yet even as he builds his spiritual home, Berlin is slowly falling further and further into violence and political turmoil, and Chris must fight increasingly hard to hold onto the image of his perfect city.

Arriving in Berlin as a passive onlooker who enjoys revelling in spectacle, by the end of the play, Chris has become embroiled with the Communist Party of Berlin, a case of treason and homosexual blackmail, and becomes a first-hand witness to the violence and oppression of the rising Nazi Party. By the play’s climax, many of Chris’ friends have died, fled the country or are on the run, his favourite gay bar is under threat by Nazi thugs, and he has a crippling fear of being found with incriminating political views. He is forced to accept that the life he had found and enjoyed has violently come to an end, and now he too must leave Germany and return to England.

Number of Characters: 13

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 10

Length (in Pages): 110

Location: Berlin; Weimar Germany

Key Words: Queer, Political, Anti-Fascism, Communism, Love, Sex, Intrigue

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


The Bunker Activist


Alone in his bunker while his boyfriend fights against the fascist government outside, Aaron begins to wonder whether he too should be doing more than just read about their issues. In his hour of questioning, he is visited by Karl Marx, Sylvia Pankhurst, and W.H. Auden, who all attempt to help him find his way.

Number of Characters: 5

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 3

Length (in Pages): 61

Location: An underground bunker

Key Words: Queer, Political, Comedy

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Profile Photo
Joel Wall
@ joelwall


Manchester, UK
