About me

Originally from Nottingham, I have a background in HETV scripted development and trained as a script editor with 4screenwriting. I’m a trained actor (RCSSD 2017) and professionally produced playwright. I am currently freelancing as a creative and script consultant looking to make new connections to collaborate and produce my second professionally produced theatre show. A graduate of the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama I was supported by Derby Theatre, In Good Company, Nottingham Playhouse and Wolverhampton Arena Theatre to develop and stage my full-length play It Kind of Looks Like a Doughnut, which was awarded Arts Council England funding. The play was then awarded the Pleasance National Partnership Award in association with Leicester Curve and had a successful run at the Pleasance. I have started to adapt Doughnut for screen and I am currently writing my first short film dealing with a traumatic relationship breakdown and Cornish nationalism as well as developing a mystery drama play for stage and feature about a suspected murder/suicide in 1901.

My Plays

It Kind of Looks like a Doughnut


Written by Holly Boyden / Directed by Natasha Kathi-Chandra / Performers: Lisa Ronkowski, Gemma Kenny & Chelsea Faulks/Holly Boyden.

A brand-new play, recipient of the Pleasance and Leicester Curve National Partnership Award 20/21 embarks on a five-night run at the Pleasance Downstairs, London, as part of their Pleasance Festival line-up.

‘Two girls; one kind of lesbian, one kind of liability, are friends, kind of. This is kind of their story, and it’s kind of yours too.’

In a town where the Miners’ Welfare is now a supermarket and the buses run once an hour, two young women are dealing with some of the most ancient predicaments known to womenkind. When Jo, to-all-intents-and-purposes-a-lesbian, gets pregnant, she turns to her sexually incontinent best friend Eva. Whilst Jo is facing up to some uncomfortable truths and her impending motherhood, it transpires that Eva has been dealing with something far more unwelcome than the unplanned new arrival.

A story about sexuality and sexual health steeped in the beautiful bluntness of the rural East Midlands, It Kind of Looks Like a Doughnut collides the living with the dead, friendship with grief, and seeks to reawaken our relationship with a dazzling matriarchal heritage that we’ve been encouraged to forget.

Number of Characters: 3

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 3

Length (in Pages): 37

Location: Nottinghamshire

Key Words: Nottingham, Women, Young Women, Three Hander, Bisexuality, Sheela-Na-Gig, Feminist, Feminism, Ghost Story, Grief, Abortion, Friendship, Midlands, Motherhood, Pregnancy, Death, Matriarchy, Heritage, Comedy, Queer, Derbyshire, Rural, East Midlands

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins: Inaugural recipient of the In Good Company TAKE OFF Bursary 2019 Inaugural recipient of the Pleasance/Curve Regional Partnership Award 2020


4 stars - BROADWAY WORLD: https://www.broadwayworld.com/scotland/article/EDINBURGH-2021-BWW-Review-IT-KIND-OF-LOOKS-LIKE-A-DOUGHNUT-Pleasance-Online-20010101

The Arts Business: https://www.theartsbusiness.com/theatre/it-kind-of-looks-like-a-doughnut-holly-boyden-with-curve-theatre-and-pleasance/

3.5 stars - LOU REVIEWS


Production Photos/Posters/Playtext Cover:

Play Image
Profile Photo
Holly Boyden
@ hollyword
