About me

My first full length play Pure O was performed at the Kings Head Theatre. I then went on to adapt Blood Wedding, Metamorphosis, Faust and Thebes for The Faction, Thebes going on to be published by Bloomsbury/Methuen.


I wrote The Wonderful Discovery of Witches in the County of Lancaster for Dawn State which was performed at the Pleasance Courtyard and toured nationally. My play Alkaline was shortlisted for the Papatango Prize and my play The Rub was one of the winners of Bolton Octagon's Top 5 competition.


My latest play Sick Children Karaoke was longlisted for the Verity Bargate Award and Bruntwood Prize and was shortlisted for the Royal Shakespeare Company's 37 Plays competition.

My Plays

Sick Children Karaoke


It's a play about a kid and a badass talking skeleton, and having to actually grow up some time.

Number of Characters: 14

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 4

Length (in Pages): 53

Location: UK

Key Words: teenage, mental health, comedy drama, young people, friendship, gaming, streaming, cross age friendship

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins: Longlisted: Bruntwood Prize, Verity Bargate Award. Shortlisted: RSC\'s 37 Plays. Top 40: Papatango. Top 1% BBC Writers Room


Profile Photo
Gareth Jandrell
@ garethjandrell
