About me

I am a working-class early career writer, of English, American and Filipino descent, who grew up in Wales.  I used to be an actor and trained at RADA on a scholarship before switching to writing in my late 30’s. I was then shortlisted and longlisted for numerous competitions until my play, Pavilion, was produced at Theatr Clwyd in 2019, directed by Tamara Harvey.  During lockdown I wrote Atlantis, which won the George Devine Award for most promising playwright in 2021, (Atlantis will finally be staged in 2026.)  I was also a writer on ETT’s Nationwide Voices, where I wrote a seed commission, which has not been staged. I was commissioned by National Theatre Wales to write an adaptation of Kafka’s The Trial, which received a limited 7-night run in Swansea. 

My Plays



A seaside village in north Wales is informed they are to become Britain’s first climate refugees, and the town is to be abandoned to the waves due to climate change. Atlantis follows four generations of one family over a twenty-five year period as they find ways to cope with the crisis as it unfolds.

Number of Characters: 8

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 8

Length (in Pages): 84

Location: North Wales

Key Words: Climate Change, Protest, Family, Drama

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? No

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins: George Devine Award (2021)


Josef K and the Cost of Living


Joseph K has a comfortable job in financial services and barely notices the growing chaos all around on the walk to work: the homelessness, the food banks, the anger, the protests, the relentless rise of the cost of living. Until one day, K is arrested. No one will explain what the charges are, but they must be answered.

Number of Characters: 19

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 10

Length (in Pages): 62

Location: England

Key Words: Protest, Surreal, Dystopian, Kafka

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? Yes

Award nominations/wins:




It’s Friday night in a small town in Wales and everyone's out for the FINAL disco at the Pavilion, a run-down Victorian hall, that like the local school and the library, is about to be shut down. Over the course of one evening we meet the larger than life characters that make up the community, and observe a rich tapestry of comic and tragic stories as we witness a town crumbling under the politics of austerity.

Number of Characters: 14

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 11

Length (in Pages): 78

Location: South Wales

Key Words: Austerity, community, disco, protest

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? Yes

Award nominations/wins:


Sea Change


Amidst the financial crash of 2008, Chris, is found wandering the beach in Coney Island, having forgotten his entire life. Through his interactions with family and friends (who are now complete strangers to him) he discovers the world with fresh eyes, changing their lives and his own life in the process.

Number of Characters: 7

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 6

Length (in Pages): 65

Location: New York

Key Words: Drama, financial crash, amnesia, dissociative fugue

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins: No theatre awards but won me a place on the Channel 4 Screenwriters course.


The Children of Glyndwr


It is February 1980 and Michael, and his mum have just moved to Wales to escape his violent father. But they arrive just as a Welsh nationalist group, violently opposed to the loss of Welsh culture and language, have started setting fire to English owned holiday homes, and tensions are running high.

Number of Characters: 8

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 8

Length (in Pages): 80

Location: North Wales

Key Words: Protest, Nationalism, Drama, Terrorism, Radicalised, Teenagers

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Profile Photo
Emily White
@ emilywhite23hotmail-com



Agent Details

Jessica Stewart - Independent Talent
