About me

By day I work as a Finance Manager for an educational charity at Cardiff Bay.

By night I tun an amateur dramatic company called Dramatic Moose Productions.

I have been lucky to win awards such as, the Crawshay Cup (Best Original Writing in the Wales One Act Festival) and SceneSaver's Just Write! Competition (My play was professionally performed at the White Bear Theatre). I have also won Best Ensemble, Best Comedy and Best Sci Fi for one of my short films.

Also, I have self-produced some of my plays which were performed to sold out audiences.

My Plays



The world has been torn apart by terrorists. Strategically placed attacks have knocked out the grid. All over the UK, groups of people band together in order to survive.

ABANDONED focuses on one such group who already are brewing with power struggles.
How will they react when two new faces are added to the mix?

Friendships formed and secrets come out.

All the while the threat of 'them' looms over the group

Number of Characters: 7

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 7

Length (in Pages): 69

Location: Modern Era / Warehouse

Key Words: Drama

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins: Top 5 Live Performances in South Wales for 2018 - Entertainment South Wales


We Are Stronger Together


Unity, a home-grown terrorist group, has taken the country by storm, demolishing anyone who doesn’t agree with their way of thinking. "We Are Stronger Together", follows one member of Unity, Letum.
His run-ins with prisoners, his best friend, and his Commander start to make him wonder; is Unity really the best thing for the country? Or has he committed unforgiveable crimes?

Number of Characters: 7

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 6

Length (in Pages): 35

Location: Modern Era / Terrorist Camp

Key Words: One Act Play, Drama

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? Yes

Award nominations/wins: Crawshay Cup Award - Best Original Writing in Wales One Act Festival 2019


What Would Dave Do?


Dave is waiting in a Hospital Waiting Room, about to become a father. Not alone in his anticipation of fatherhood, someone else is in the waiting room with him… God!

Number of Characters: 3

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 3

Length (in Pages): 28

Location: Hospital Waiting Room

Key Words: One Act Play, Comedy

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins: Winner of SceneSaver’s Just Write! Competition 2023


Profile Photo
Matthew Fisher
@ dramaticmoosematt


Cardiff, South Wales
