About me

Theatre and film historian and lecturer since 1996; started writing plays in 2019: two full-length and two short scripts to date, as yet unproduced, but with very positive feedback from NT, Young Vic, Royal Exchange and others for the first full-length play, NOT EVEN A GROWN-UP, which dramatises a unique true story from the Holocaust.

My Plays



A family of Polish Jews, the Urmans – including physician Izydor, his wife Sofie, and their nine-year-old son, Jerzyk – struggle to survive under Nazi occupation, from 1941-43.
Based on published diaries and testimony, the play dramatises a unique, but little-known, true story from the Holocaust. Its rehearsed reading for an invited audience at JW3, London, featured Ben Caplan and Tricia Kelly.

Number of Characters: 9

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 7

Length (in Pages): 74

Location: Three domestic interiors in Poland.

Key Words: Jewish family drama; Holocaust true story;

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Comments from readers of the script:
I found it deeply moving and quietly harrowing. It had me in tears. – SUZANNE BELL, then dramaturg, Royal Exchange, Manchester
A really strong piece, which deserves to be staged. – ALEXANDER GIFFORD, Artistic Director, Marylebone Theatre.
A truly heartbreaking story. There were so many vivid, powerful details that really stood out. – TAMAR SAPHRA, then Senior Reader, National Theatre.

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Daniel Rosenthal
@ danielrosenthal
