About me

After 30 years as an animation director, partly for BBC and Channel 4 Schools Television, Hedley Griffin writes, illustrates and self-publishes a range of 17 children’s safety pictures books and adult historical drama novels with a spiritual content, gained from a unique source of knowledge and wisdom from the Erasmus Foundation in Suffolk, UK.

My Plays



After the Great Battle (Mankind calls the Big Bang) between the Prince of Darkness, Lord Set, and the Lord of Light, the Universe is left fragmented, and those beings on these different islands in space come together with Ult to discuss their fears and concerns about the changing strange skies and disturbing behaviour of the Billowings, violent storms in outer space. There is no eternal life, and the Fragmentarians are dissipating before their time with no new life being formed. All become silent when they are visited by the great Crystal, who offers them eternal life and demonstrates the process and its meaning. Many take eternal life, but some refuse through fear. It is the fear of eternity which is the subject of much debate within the play.

Number of Characters: 26

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 18

Length (in Pages): 33

Location: desert, Field of Crystal

Key Words: Big Bang, historical, ancient, Great Battle, fear, Crystal

Has the Play Been Produced? No

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Production Photos/Posters/Playtext Cover:

Play Image
Profile Photo
Hedley Griffin
@ dangerspot


Suffolk, UK
