About me

My latest play LOVE AND OTHER PROMISES opens in The New Theatre on June 4th. TENDER MERCIES finished a three-week run in The Viking Theatre in October following a critically-acclaimed run in The New Theatre in April and was part of their New Writing Week 2023. It will tour to Backstage Theatre Longford, the Civic Theatre Tallaght and dlr Mill Theatre Dundrum in May. The Keller Theatre, Giessen produced FINGERS CROSSED as part of ‘Zeitgeist Ireland 24’. An Irish production had a Rehearsed Reading in Scene + Heard 2024. WHEN RACHEL MET FIONA had a critically-acclaimed run in The New Theatre (Irish production) in 2023 and was part of their New Writing Week 2022 with a UK production in The Space, London in 2021. Recent audio dramas – FINGERS CROSSED (EFCT Chicago and NearFM), BLIND DATE (NearFM), DEEP SHADOWS (EFCT). Short plays with multiple productions EVERYONE’S SORRY and SHOPPING DAYS. I have written for RTE’s FAIR CITY.

My Plays

I will add details of my plays soon.

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Colette Cullen
@ colettecullen
