About me
I'm a London-based writer, predominantly interested in the subjects of identity, connection, and purpose. I love genre work and often explore supernatural aspects within the stories I write.
My Plays
Before This Ends
Set in a small town next to a lake in the middle of nowhere, Before This Ends follows the adventures of a sheltered teenager and a cautious city kid who bond over a shared love for storytelling. As the two fall in love and their relationship grows, both are confronted with the difference between reality and fiction, and eventually need to make a choice that might alter their lives forever.
Number of Characters: 11
Minimum Number of Actors Required: 8
Length (in Pages): 123
Location: present day, rural UK.
Key Words: fantastical, love story, children, queer
Has the Play Been Produced? No
Are the Rights Available? Yes
Has the Play Been Published? No
Award nominations/wins: