About me
Writer’s Bio - 2025
Chris created, wrote and execu2ve produced independent audio drama SEARCH which was
originally developed at the BBC before eventually being funded by Crea2ve Scotland and
distributed by The Big Light.
He has previously been a contribu2ng writer to BBC The Social, wri2ng and direc2ng 10 comedy
sketches, with a combined audience of over half a million.
As an author, he has independently published two short story collec2ons, two short
novellas and one novel and had work professionally published as a contribu2ng writer to horror
anthology Twisted50. Twisted50 was a number one bestselling anthology (which knocked Stephen
King's The Bazaar of Bad Dreams from the top spot).
His work as an author con2nues with a weekly Substack newsleLer, Paper Elephant Publishing,
which feature his original short stories and serialised novels.
As a playwright, Chris has enjoyed audiences across Scotland and has worked professionally with
theatres and theatre companies such as A Play, A Pie & A Pint, Beacon Arts Centre, Short ALen2on
Span Theatre and The Tron Theatre.
Chris created, wrote and execu2ve produced independent audio drama SEARCH which was
originally developed at the BBC before eventually being funded by Crea2ve Scotland and
distributed by The Big Light.
He has previously been a contribu2ng writer to BBC The Social, wri2ng and direc2ng 10 comedy
sketches, with a combined audience of over half a million.
As an author, he has independently published two short story collec2ons, two short
novellas and one novel and had work professionally published as a contribu2ng writer to horror
anthology Twisted50. Twisted50 was a number one bestselling anthology (which knocked Stephen
King's The Bazaar of Bad Dreams from the top spot).
His work as an author con2nues with a weekly Substack newsleLer, Paper Elephant Publishing,
which feature his original short stories and serialised novels.
As a playwright, Chris has enjoyed audiences across Scotland and has worked professionally with
theatres and theatre companies such as A Play, A Pie & A Pint, Beacon Arts Centre, Short ALen2on
Span Theatre and The Tron Theatre.
My Plays
I will add details of my plays soon.