About me

I am a writer from North Wales who is based in Liverpool. From 2020 - 2021 I was a member of the Liverpool Everyman Theatres Writers programme, where I wrote my first play 'It Happens At Bookclub'. Since then, I have written for film as one third of production team Sisu Productions, for the Liverpool Everyman studio Theatre on 'FEMME', a collaborative retelling of heroines in classical text, and performed in my own work in progress 'Danger; I Love You', which explored a post apocalyptic North Wales, at the Sherman Theatre, Cardiff. My latest play 'Half Moon, a dark comedy two hander centering two half sisters, reached the second round for Papatango's new writing prize (2023), and was one of twenty six plays shortlisted by the Bush Theatre, through their open script submission.

My Plays

I will add details of my plays soon.

Profile Photo
Beth Noonan-Roberts
@ bethnoonan-roberts
