About me
My play:
Stop The Boats - RAFTA (Rise Against Fanaticism Through The Arts) runner-up 2023-24.
It also reached the second read for Papatango New Writing 2024 (349/1589 entries).
I have several other plays and screenplays completed.
My Plays
Stop The Boats
Sharon wants to rent her old home to families with ‘proper good family values who speak proper English.’ Events will show that racist, homophobic, selfish, Sharon knows nothing about family values or proper English. She is happy to hear the far right has started a murderous war in the UK until it impacts her. She is unaware that her son is their leader. International Companies pull their investments. Food shortages leave millions killing each other for food. Millions flee the country in inadequate boats. Imran (Junior Doctor) is desperate to leave. He faces rough seas, shark attacks, and smugglers exhorting money, but he has no choice. The chances of survival are slim.
MI5 investigations revealed the government knew of the Far Right’s plan to revolt. They and their buddies feathered their nests with millions of public money and fled to their houses abroad. The leak also revealed that the millions paid to Rwanda for asylum seekers created a new destination similar to the French Riviera for them in Rwanda's Lake Kivu and it’s surrounding lovely beaches. The accommodation supposedly built for deported migrants will house cheap labour for the resort’s occupants.
When the Far Right realises that the UK infrastructure has collapsed without its multicultural workforce, they try to Stop The Boats leaving. They force people back to work. When they invade Imran’s hospital, the soldiers assigned to protect it desert. The friends and colleagues left behind don’t know how many of their colleagues they can trust. They decide to fight back—with their only weapon—their medicine cabinet.
Number of Characters: 14
Minimum Number of Actors Required: 11
Length (in Pages): 34
Location: London, beach
Key Words: Drama, Far Right violence, murder, escape, boats, sharks, surgeons, nurses, starvation, looting, neglect, Rwanda, Government corruption, MI5
Has the Play Been Produced? No
Are the Rights Available? Yes
Has the Play Been Published? No
Award nominations/wins: RAFTA (Rise Against Fanaticism Through The Arts) runner-up 2023-24.Sohaya Visions will stage a Rehearsed Reading of it in Spring 2025