About me

Ben Macpherson is a Nottingham based writer and performer whose work covers everything from topical sketch comedy to children’s nonsense poetry. His writing has been featured nationally on BBC Radio, as part of the Nottingham UNESCO City of Literature project, and online as part of the digital theatre work in Festival of the Fleeting word. His first full length play Horsemen was performed in March 2022 with funding from Arts Council England. Ben’s writing explores the relationship between individuals and their communities and is characterised by a wry wit and observation of the everyday. He has been a director of MissImp, the UK’s oldest open access improv theatre. He’s a founding member of the Nottingham Queer Arts Collective. His debut poetry collection Serious Nonsense for Terribly Grown Up People was published in 2023, his second book came out in 2024. He’s an alumnus of the New Perspective New Associate scheme and an associate artist of Nottingham Lakeside Arts. In 2023 he received the Artist Award from the British School at Athens and in 2025 he received a Brave Words Bravado awards.

My Plays

I will add details of my plays soon.


