About me

Having built a career as a successful social and political commentator in Northern Ireland, appearing regularly across BBC, ITV and Sky News, I shifted gears in 2019 from analytical to creative writing. My debut was Peanut - a powerful short play on the topic of abortion access which formed part of the Now For The North production at The MAC Belfast. My work has also appeared in Glamour UK and the Irish Independent. I now live in Yorkshire with my husband, six year old son and our gang of rescued lurchers.

My Plays



‘Peanut’ is a short play charting one woman’s journey home to Ireland after her exile to England for an abortion procedure following a fatal foetal abnormality diagnosis for her unborn child.

As she travels across the sea, we share her inner monologue and relive with her the circumstances that led her to be there, so far from all familiar comfort.

Painful, honest, and moving, Peanut could be the story of any woman, anywhere in the world who is forced to leave their home in order to seek basic healthcare due to a lack of access to effective abortion services. The pain of Peanut is a universal one.

Number of Characters: 1

Minimum Number of Actors Required: 1

Length (in Pages): 8

Location: Seating booth on a ferry

Key Words: Drama, Feminism, Abortion

Has the Play Been Produced? Yes

Are the Rights Available? Yes

Has the Play Been Published? No

Award nominations/wins:


Profile Photo
Barbara Neeson
@ barbaraneeson


Yorkshire, UK
